Zone Sud n°2 / Colle des Mées - Power Plant Série-Collection : Zone Sud

François Lejault
2022 - 4 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

A shell of metal and glass, the power station hugs the sinuosities of the hills. A technological graft, a machine hybridization that feeds our energy bulimia. It is a mysterious, dramatic, strange country, which seems in some places, when you know them, to be just emerging from the flood.
Jean Giono Zone Sud is an intuitive, random and loving exploration of Provence. Contrary to clichés and folklore, the films form a complex and strange mosaic landscape, shaped by histories and geographies, shaken by climatic and economic changes.

Author-Director : François Lejault
Photography : François Lejault
Sound : François Lejault
Editing : François Lejault
Original Music : François Lejault
Delegate Producer : François Lejault


Distributor : François Lejault