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Économie > Minerai

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

210 films
Earth's Golden Playground
Andreas Horvath | Autriche | 2013 | 106 mn

En plein far-west amazonien
Christophe Cousin | France | 2012 | 15 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Enfants ouvriers
Marta Bergman | Belgique | 1999 | 52 mn

"I was a miner before I was born", says Alexandre. "For me, it was hell", says Marie-Thérèse. "That's what life was in those days", says Alfreda. Miners, maid servants, apprentices glassmakers, wool sorters... They were between 10 and 14...

symphonie-donbass Enthousiasme
Dziga Vertov | Russie | 1931 | 68 mn

“One of the most impressive symphonies of pictures and sounds”, so had Chaplin written to Vertov, to share his enthusiasm and surprise at hearing his use of sound, mixing daily life noises with the uproar of factories, recorded on-the-spot...

La Face cachée du soleil
Léopoldine Stouvenot | France | 2023 | 17 mn

La nuit se lève sur Bessèges, une ancienne cité minière.  Sous la lune et sous les sols, on descend dans les strates de la ville, on découvre plusieurs dimensions, dont certaines menacent de s'effondrer.

Family Goldmine
Robbie Fraser | France, Écosse | 2014 | 77 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Farewell Topsails
Humphrey Jennings | Royaume-Uni | 1937 | 6 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Femmes de la mine
François Porcile | France | 2002 | 52 mn

Thanks to rare and exclusive archive films and poignant testimonies, François PORCILE produced for the first time in the history of television a document on the conditions faced by women in the mines of Northern France during the second half of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Fer et Acier
Jean-François Gallotte | France | 1996 | 13 mn

Allo la Terre est une série d'émissions documentaires encyclopédiques à visée pédagogique. Misant sur l'interdisciplinarité, chaque émission aborde un thème suivant 4 (ou 5) axes : géographie, histoire, (vie quotidienne), sciences et...

Fièvre de l'or
Raúl De la Fuente Calle | Espagne | 2017 | 25 mn

In Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, the poverty of the population and wealth of the subsoil remain irreconcilable, taking the lives of hundreds of miners. Did you know that your health also depends on their work?

210 films