Catalogue des films de « Els Van Riel »

6 films
Mon amie Päivi
Image, Son | Belgique | 2022

Portrait complice, vagabond et ludique d’une artiste jusqu’au bout des ongles, Päivi Pennola.

Des portes et des déserts
Image | Belgique | 2021

A poem written in prose appears on the screen, sentence after sentence. The tale of a wanderer's odyssey unfolds, from the deserts to the gates of the citadel. The text is answered by archive images, images gleaned from the Internet, paintings,...

Tremor - Es ist immer Krieg
Image | Belgique | 2017

"Tremor" is driven by the voices that run through it – the voices of poets and madmen, of a mother or a child. From self-reflexive thoughts to spontaneous accounts, from witness statements to pure fiction, they talk in turns about their...

Image | Belgique | 2016

Dans l’Italie fasciste des années 30, des habitants du village de Borgo, poussés par la misère ou l’esprit d’aventure, émigrent dans les colonies de L’Empire Italien d’Afrique pour y chercher l’Eldorado promis par la propagande....

La Vie autrement
Image | Belgique | 2005

Is it possible, coming from a family of North African immigrants, being a daughter or a wife, to invent one’s life, to choose to abandon the universe of tradition, to break with one’s family, without necessarily forsaking your roots or...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Devenir
Image | Belgique | 2004

A 45-year-old woman is looking for work. But her search is more taking stock of the effects of the 1970s Utopias, at the time when they vanished. As the result, through touches added patiently side by side, each of today’s events evokes a...