Catalogue des films de « Fouad Elkoury »

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5 films
La Rivière
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2017

After the lost of his landmarks, after the end of his beliefs in all the "isms" to which he adhered, anarchism, socialism, communism... A man discovers salvation through love, and above all, the greatest one, the nature love.

Le Plus Beau Jour
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2014

Au-delà de la première couche qu'elle donne à voir, l'image en contient souvent d'autres, plus secrètes, que chaque spectateur perçoit à sa façon. De ces propos sous-jacents dépend l'histoire de l'image. Alors, forcément, quand l'image...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Welcome to Beyrouth
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2005

“Welcome to Beirut” is a film about daily life in Lebanon – driving in the city, evenings, a museum, shop owners, the hairdresser etc. When we open an atlas of the world, Lebanon is right in the middle, precisely on the fold of the page,...

Lettres à Francine
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2002

This film is based on the photographs I took during my two-year stay in Turkey and the e-mails I sent to a friend, Francine, in Paris. Interwoven with this narrative are images and conversations portraying my illness, which was diagnosed upon my...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Jours tranquilles en Palestine
Auteur | France | 1998

Palestine has often been associated with violence, uprooting and suffering. Images that have never been shown, collected by the Arab Foundation for Images, reconstruct for us something of the tolerant, cosmopolitan atmosphere in which Palestine...