Catalogue des films de « Frédéric Fontaine »

3 films
Gardiens de prison
Son | Belgique | 2009

Jean-Marc Tanase est depuis près de 15 ans derrière les barreaux ! Même les condamnés à perpétuité ne restent pas aussi longtemps en prison. Jean-Marc est chef des gardiens à la prison de Forest. Avec son équipe d?agents pénitenciers, il...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bey, Bey my Love
Son | Belgique | 2008

Michelle, Beth, Jennifer, Connie, Heather and Kicha are soldiers’ wives, married to “Screaming Eagles” from the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army. Stationed in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, they watch as their husbands leave on a new...

Closed District
Son | Belgique | 2004

"In 1996, I was staying in the town of Mankien in Southern Sudan, filming the war. At the time, I thought that doing a film on a region in the throes of conflict was a political act. Once I was there, the reality of it struck me as different from...