Catalogue des films de « Jean-Frédéric De Hasque »

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6 films
Le Camp est rasé : Felicien filme les restes
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | Belgique | 2018

L’histoire, façon de parler, commence en 2008 au Mali lorsque je rencontre le porte parole d’un camp de réfugiés togolais. Il me dit d’aller les voir au Bénin et un an plus tard je vais les rencontrer. Ils sont 5000, ils étaient 5000....

Les Lions
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | Belgique | 2016

Mourit, André, Vincent and Joe are great leaders of the Lions Club, among them one is white. The director follows them in Benin and in Brazzaville in their clubs monitoring meetings. They occupy much of the good payment of dues to the strict...

Le Camp
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2012

Little by little, the inhabitants of a refugee camp in Benin transform what they call “the site” into a village. Building and planting: activities that constitute their only hope of avoiding eviction from the site, now abandoned by the UNHCR.

Où est l'Eldorado ?
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Belgique | 2009

They are 25 years old, students at Bamako University. They are the new generation. The ideas and influence of Yambo Ouologuem, who is radically opposed to white people, have inspired them to establish a club in his name.

3 Petites Maisons
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2007

My aim was to tell the story of a town by following three people who all belong to an apparent African middle class.The three people I chose were all involved in building projects when the production began, and as I filmed I viewed this as a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment 36 Choses à faire avant l'an 2000
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2000

Between the noisy, millenium self-celebrations of the West and the silence of the African continent, which has other preoccupations, an everyday picture of a Togo village on the eve of the year 2000. Their project is the finalisation of the...