Catalogue des films de « Jean-Marie Barbe »

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19 films
Lumière d'octobre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Burkina Faso | 2015

Les réalisateurs racontent ce qu’il ont fait, là où ils étaient, ce qu’ils ont vu et parfois filmé du soulèvement populaire burkinabé du 27 au 31 octobre 2014. Cette mosaïque d’images comme autant de regards au cœur de la tourmente,...

Chris Marker
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2015

A writer, filmmaker, essayist, world traveller, photo- grapher, engaged intellectual and eulogist of the ima- ginary, who played a little piano, painted a little too, and liked animals, Chris Marker explored most of the human means of expression....

Oncle Rithy
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2008

In Sihanoukville, during the shooting of his film "The Sea Wall", the Cambodian filmmaker Rithy Panh looks back on his own work of the past twenty years, from "Site 2" to "The Burnt Theatre", not forgetting the film that is symbolic of his whole...

Madame Thio
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Sénégal | 2006

Madam Thio is the owner of a restaurant on the Island of Gorée. Selling and exchanging, buying and welcoming is her daily trade. But Madam Thio is above all a queen...

je prends tadouleur Je prends ta douleur
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2006

Gales is a voluntary prison visitor. She regularly takes the train to visit her "adopted" prisoners. She finds the conversation with one of them deeply disturbing. It puts into question not only her personal choices, what she has made of her life,...

Les Ouvriers de la terre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2001

Humberto, Christian, Guy and Carmen earn a living, or rather, manage to survive as farm labourers and grape and fruit pickers, following the flow of hard seasonal work. They find moments to enjoy life and freedom within the troubled farming...

Changement de direction
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2000

On 22 March 1998 Ardèche, like another dozen départements, went from right-wing to left-wing : tremors and tension. The 33 general councillors who were elected, all men, elected a new Socialist president, Michel Teston. Thus it is with...

Le Front et la Forme
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1999

En août 1998 à Lussas, dans le cadre des États généraux du film documentaire, Jean-Louis Comolli, Michel Samson et Jean-Marie Barbe ont réuni une quinzaine de documentaristes pour aborder la question de la représentation du Front national....

Le Juste Non
Auteur | France | 1999

For three months, the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council was the theatre of a political drama whose stakes extended well beyond the scope of the region. Starting in October 1998, and for 3 1/2 months, we chose to follow certain elected...

La République des maires
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1997

Jean-Paul, Fernand, Riri, three mayors from rural Ardèche villages travel to Paris with ten colleagues for a 6-day French Mayor's Convention. The film gives an inside view of how they stay together as a group (a tribe) and then cede to the...

19 films