Catalogue des films de « Jéro Yun »

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4 films
Madame B, histoire d'une Nord-Coréenne
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France, Corée du Sud | 2016

Mrs. B., a North Korean woman, was forcibly sold to a Chinese farmer by her smugglers. To earn a living in China and help her family, who remained in North Korea, Mrs. B. turned to drug trafficking. She succeeds in getting her husband and sons...

Dis-moi Mohamed…
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2012

"Tell me Mohamed… i"s a story about a man who is living by his passion, singing. Half blind, as he has always been, Mohamed finds shelter in ‘‘Cheb Hasni’’ raï songs. His arrival in France, eight years ago, never took his talent or his...

Looking for North Koreans
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France | 2012

South Korean director Jero Yun wants to know what his enemy brothers, the North Korean people, look like. His quest leads him to travel along the China-North Korean border. During his journey, he meets North Korean refugees who accept to tell him...

Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2010

New Year's Day, 2010. Nine years that she hasn't seen her son. "My son will come to this Promised Land. Yes... My son will come to this Promised Land." She has not lost hope.