Catalogue des films de « Joris Laquittant »

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3 films
Montage | France | 2021

Quand Xavier Vicart apprend qu'il est atteint d'un lymphome, il est en pleine conversion bio de sa ferme de 200 hectares, des années de pulvérisation de pesticides ont eu raison de sa santé de cycliste endurci. Son histoire faisant écho à...

La Promesse
Montage | France | 2018

Rachid Boukharta, freshly graduated in the faculty of plastic arts, is recognized by his peers as a promising painter. The film is his career for four years in this art world where no one is really expected.

Celui qui chante
Montage | France | 2014

The story of Simon Parzybut, a young tenor who became totally physically handicapped as a result of an accident. During one year, we follow the re-education of this incredible character until he will come back on stage. A different movie full of...