Catalogue des films de « Lorédana Bianconi »

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7 films
Des portes et des déserts
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Belgique | 2021

A poem written in prose appears on the screen, sentence after sentence. The tale of a wanderer's odyssey unfolds, from the deserts to the gates of the citadel. The text is answered by archive images, images gleaned from the Internet, paintings,...

Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2016

Dans l’Italie fasciste des années 30, des habitants du village de Borgo, poussés par la misère ou l’esprit d’aventure, émigrent dans les colonies de L’Empire Italien d’Afrique pour y chercher l’Eldorado promis par la propagande....

In Albania
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique, France | 2009

"Go and see what we left behind..." With these words in mind, a filmmaker journeys into a discovery of an almost abandoned and little known country: Albania. Her film is an impressionist journey, a moving tale cast in footprints, vivid memories...

La Vie autrement
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2005

Is it possible, coming from a family of North African immigrants, being a daughter or a wife, to invent one’s life, to choose to abandon the universe of tradition, to break with one’s family, without necessarily forsaking your roots or...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Devenir
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 2004

A 45-year-old woman is looking for work. But her search is more taking stock of the effects of the 1970s Utopias, at the time when they vanished. As the result, through touches added patiently side by side, each of today’s events evokes a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Marie et Chantal, par exemple
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique | 1999

Marie and Chantal Zairean asylum-seekers, tell their story. They fled their country in the middle of the nineties. They describe in detail the reasons and the circumstances of their flight. Shortly after their arrival, they tell of the "welcome"...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Do you Remember Revolution?
Auteur-Réalisateur | Belgique, Allemagne | 1997

In Italy, in the mid 1970s, Adriana, Barbara, Nadia and Susanna were 20 years old when they decided to get involved in armed fighting, to leave their social life and their families to make revolution the centre and the aim of their...