Catalogue des films de « Olivier Laurent »

3 films
Son | France | 2020

At night in Washington DC, when the protest signs disappear, do their messages die with them? Hundreds of thousands of women gathered at the Women's March in Washington in January 2017 to defend their rights, and to advocate for social...

On a beau tuer les hirondelles
Son | France | 2018

Khairollah, orphelin, prenait seul la décision de quitter l’Afghanistan à 11 ans, contraint de laisser derrière lui son petit frère, trop jeune pour le suivre. Au bout de quatre ans d’exil et d’errance, il arrive en Haute-Savoie. Après...

La nuit s'achève
Son | Algérie, France | 2015

Algeria, fifty years later. Accompanied by his son Cyril, his son’s boyfriend Nicolas, and his daughter-in-law, Sandrine, Bernard goes back over the route of his exile. Born in El Kouif, where he left old friends and never returned, he wants to...