Catalogue des films de « Pauline Fonsny »

Coordonnées :

3 films
Montage | Belgique, Palestine | 2022

In the heart of the Alps, in the secrecy of the dark and cold night, women and men come to the aid of migrants crossing the French-Italian border. In solidarity, they organize themselves illegally to escape police checks and the repression that...

À l'usage des vivants
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | Belgique | 2019

In 1998, Semira Adamu, a 20 year-old, so-called "illegal", Nigerian immigrant on Belgian soil, was smothered to death by a police cushion as they attempted to evict her. Twenty years later, in a combined female war cry, two women tell her story....

Qui es-tu octobre ?
Image, Montage | Belgique, Burkina Faso | 2017

In Burkina Faso, 27 years apart, two Octobers confront each other. The first, in 1987, saw the assassination of the father of the democratic people's revolution, Thomas Sankara. The second, in October 2014, saw his successor, Blaise Compaoré,...