Catalogue des films de « Philippe Baqué »

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6 films
Femmes, entièrement femmes
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Burkina Faso | 2013

From now on mutilated women have hope : a surgical technique of the restoration of the clitoris has been created by a French urologue. Burkina Faso is the first African country where it is practised. But because of prevalent tabous, it is still...

Le Beurre et l'Argent du beurre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Burkina Faso | 2007

Fair trading is very much in fashion today. The concept is to help the most underprivileged populations on our planet to emerge from this state thanks to a fairer distribution of revenues. Shea butter is more and more appreciated in Europe. It is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Eldorado de plastique
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2001

In Andalucia, in the region of Almeria, a former desert has been covered in a few dozen years by one of the biggest concentrations of greenhouse cultivation in the world. The vegetables that are produced there out of season are exported massively...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Europe au pied du mur
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1998

Melilla, a tiny Spanish enclave on the Moroccan Mediterranean coast, harbours hundreds of people from Black Africa and Algeria, who dream of crossing to Europe to escape poverty and war. But Melilla is outside the zone of free circulation defined...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Carnet d'expulsions
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1997

This documentary tells the story of Malians put into an ambiguous situation of being without immigration papers. They had then been evicted from Saint-Bernard's church on August 23rd 1996 where they had taken refuge, and repatriated by force on...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Touaregs "Voix de l'exil"
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1995

For the first time, a group of Touareg singers and musicians from the north of Mali has come to Europe (the festival "Women’s voices", December 1995 in Liège). Songs, poems and women’s stories tell of a divided society, exile and the...