Catalogue des films de « Raúl García »

4 films
Acerca de un personaje que unos llaman San Lazao y otros llaman Babalú
Son | Cuba | 1968

The celebrations of San Lázaro day (December 17) in the sanctuary at El Rincón allow the filmmaker to confront the different ways that religion can appear amid the Cuban population, in particular concerning this saint who, because of the...

Hombres de Mal Tiempo
Son | Cuba | 1968

Calling on the memory of those who survived the battle of Mal Tiempo, Saderman reconstitutes this key moment of the war of independence (1895-98). But more than the reconstitution of this precise event, he wants to stage a festive exercise around...

Son | Cuba | 1967

A radical film essay, "Guantánamo" deploys a whole arsenal of documentary strategies on its complex subject, dissecting the relation of the city with its military occupiers through archives, reconstitutions, photomontages and interviews. "I was...

Sobre Luis Gómez
Son | Cuba | 1965

A documentary on the singer and improviser of traditional peasant music Luis Gómez (1922-2001). "In 1965, I made a documentary with Bernabé that I'm extremely proud of, "Sobre Luis Gómez". It's a documentary in still images. It's extremely...