Catalogue des films de « Catherine Mauchain »

3 films
Le Rêve et la Nécessité
Montage | France | 2011

Frédéric Laffont defined documentary as a subjective point of view on the other. Damien Fritsch, filming a conversation between a saleswoman and her blind customer sketches out the imaginary at the basis of all communication. These two beacons...

Une histoire aussi vieille que moi
Montage | France | 2011

Made with wrecks of the past – trinkets, photographs, toys, letters –, survivors relics from removals, sharings and separations, the film appears as a puzzle reconstitution of a family secret carefully hidden during many years... until the day...

Vive le son !
Montage | France | 2010

Ever since sound waves were printed on film, the most daring and innovative experiences have been tried out in documentary. The ambition of this one hour film anthology is to reflect their diversity: an eloquent and highly singular panorama...