Catalogue des films de « Dalila Ennadre »

5 films
Des murs et des hommes
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Algérie, France | 2013

Tel un esprit qui refuse de mourir, l’ancienne Médina de Casablanca incarnée par une Voix, nous mène vers ses habitants. Saisies au cœur du quotidien, les histoires de leur vie, révèlent une véritable tragédie humaine universelle, où la...

J'ai tant aimé
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France, Maroc | 2008

The story of Fadma, a Moroccan woman, engaged by the French army as a prostitute for the Moroccan soldiers during the War in Indochina. The film reveals how the French colonial army used the sexuality. Today, Fadma asks in France to recognize her...

Je voudrais vous raconter
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Maroc | 2005

In October, 2003, a reform of the family Code was finally voted, after several years of struggle. This new law was established in order to give more justice to women and to rebalance their rights in regard to men This change represents an enormous...

El Batalett
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Belgique | 2000

This film is set up in old Medina, a historic quarter of Casablanca. It is the group portrait of women who have lived here since childhood. Together they provide a complex image of the popular Moroccan woman, a modern and urban woman, which has...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Loups du désert
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1999

During a travel to her homeland, a Moroccan director who lives in France, meets a family living in an oasis of the Moroccan Sahara. The result of this meeting is a rich exchange between them. They speak about their own values and culture and...