Catalogue des films de « Eva Njoki Munyiri »

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2 films
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | Afrique du Sud | 2017

Wathira is a portrait of my paternal grandmother who died when I was 7, constructed through the fragmented memories of the three granddaughters named after her. When I was a child my parents moved to South Africa in the euphoric post apartheid...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Défense d'afficher - Nairobi - Bankslave
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France | 2012

Bankslave is a graffiti artist from the ghetto of Kibera. The ?lm embodies the vitality of Kenya’s street culture and reveals how poverty and wealth co-exist, but also how global influences and traditions mix together.