Catalogue des films de « Jean-Noël Boissé »

Coordonnées :

12 films
Les Endroits où nous ne sommes pas
Son | Belgique, France | 2023

I've been filming my friend Kante, Guinean by origin and Polish by adoption, a night worker in the suburbs of London with a head full of an Africa that he left many years ago. And me, a low-cost cosmopolitan, perpetually searching for a better...

Dans la chambre
Son | Belgique | 2023

Immersing himself solely in family and personal archives, films of parties and travels, the confined director takes his impetus, questions the images, frees the sound memory, and travels through time and space. The return to the past thereby...

Des portes et des déserts
Son | Belgique | 2021

A poem written in prose appears on the screen, sentence after sentence. The tale of a wanderer's odyssey unfolds, from the deserts to the gates of the citadel. The text is answered by archive images, images gleaned from the Internet, paintings,...

Auprès d'elle
Son | Belgique | 2021

It is not just a "job", it’s… a work with her, because she doesn’t like that I call it a “job”, she likes that I’m involved in the family. Meliza is from the Philippines, Noêmia from Brazil, Petrica from Romania. They share the daily...

Vallée de la Senne
Son | Belgique | 2020

À l’abri des regards, une rivière surgit de l'oubli.

Albert, berger
Son | Belgique | 2020

Albert François Ciocca, a native of Marseille, lived between 1907 and 1963, the year of his death, in the region of Montagne de Lure, where he worked as a shepherd. The shepherd Albert – this is how he called himself – would have fallen...

À l'usage des vivants
Son | Belgique | 2019

In 1998, Semira Adamu, a 20 year-old, so-called "illegal", Nigerian immigrant on Belgian soil, was smothered to death by a police cushion as they attempted to evict her. Twenty years later, in a combined female war cry, two women tell her story....

Main pour main
Son | Belgique | 2019

The story between two paintings of Edouard Manet made in the middle of the 19th century, or how art can draw links of violence in History.

Notre territoire
Son | Belgique | 2019

When I got to Rignano, the Ghetto residents told me: "You mustn't keep any trace of our lives here in these precarious houses. This despair is not yours to display." The misery in the Ghetto is the first thing that struck me, the first thing I...

Rien ne nous est donné
Son | Belgique | 2018

"A strike it’s 24/7 and you fall on your knees after a few days; then hop, you have to get back on your feet en tell yourself: come on, we have to keep up the fight". Brussels. Strikers tell us their struggles. The organization, the balance of...

12 films