Catalogue des films de « Philippe Bourgueil »

3 films
Voyage autour de ma chambre
Montage | Belgique | 2008

Secluded in his bedroom, a filmmaker reflects upon his travels, both real or imaginary. Based on images collected throughout the years, the film is a poetic exploration of the difficulty of finding our place in this world.

Mort à Vignole
Montage | Belgique | 1998

While shooting a family movie in Venice a film-maker wonders how family images play a part in love and death stories. "What can be more heart-rending than the emotion that envelopes you when watching shaky images, bearing the trace of who have...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pensées et visions d'une tête coupée
Montage | France | 1991

DOCU-FICTION Portrait d'un peintre imaginaire à partir de la vie et de l'œuvre d'Antoine Wiertz (1806-1865).