SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - In the Billowing Night
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Docmonde In the Billowing Night

In the Billowing Night ( Lèv la tèt dann fénwar (Quand la nuit se soulève) )
Erika Etangsalé
2021 - France (Île de la Réunion) - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 51'

Jean-René is a former worker now retired. He has been living in France, in Mâcon, since he emigrated from Reunion Island at the age of seventeen. Today, for the first time, he breaks the silence and tells his daughter his story. In doing so, he discloses mysterious dreams and pains that have their roots in the wounds of French colonial history.

In the presence of the director.

Image : Jonathan Rubin
Son : Pierre Georges
Montage : Marianne Haroche
Production : We Film, Tënk