The Shepherd Albert
Philippe Van Cutsem
2020 - 60 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - Belgique

Albert François Ciocca, a native of Marseille, lived between 1907 and 1963, the year of his death, in the region of Montagne de Lure, where he worked as a shepherd.
The shepherd Albert – this is how he called himself – would have fallen completely into oblivion if, many years later, a man had discovered by chance some short poetic texts written in pencil in some stones of a sheepfold...

Author-Director : Philippe Van Cutsem
Photography : Philippe Van Cutsem
Sound : Jean-Noël Boissé
Editing : Philippe Van Cutsem, Cédric Zoenen
Delegate Producer : Dérives


Distributor : CBA (Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel)