Congo, un médecin pour sauver les femmes
Angèle Diabang
2014 - 50 min - 16 mm & Beta numérique - Couleur - Sénégal, France

In Panzi, in the Kivu province (Democratic Republic of Congo), the doctor Denis Mukwege has created a hospital where victims of wartime sexual violence are taken in and get reconstructive surgery. The hospital provides them with medical care but also gives them moral support to rebuild their economic and civic lives. All the executive managers in the hospital are Congolese women.
The victims words and Dr Mukwege and his team’s actions, here in Congo and worldwide, are the substance of the film, denouncing sexual barbarism. This barbarism tens of thousands of women suffer from is not only the curse of Africa, but of a war whose interest is not only local. The film also shows us the tough fight of the victims and their courage in rebuilding their life despite their past.


Distributor : Roches noires Productions
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2015 - FIGRA Festival International du Grand Reportage d'Actualité et du Documentaire de Société, Le Touquet (France) : Compétition + de 40 minutes
2015 - Festival du film documentaire de Saint-Louis, Saint Louis (Sénégal) : Sélection
2014 - Regards sur le Cinéma du Monde, Rouen (France) : Sélection