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Sciences > Médecine

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

664 films
A Balinese Massage
Patsy Asch, Timothy Asch, Linda Connor | Australie | 1980 | 30 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À chacun son Everest
Nicole Jamet, Pierre-Jean Rey | France | 1994 | 47 mn

Christine Janin, who is both alpinist and doctor, is the first French woman on the top of the Everest. She continues her human adventure with a new challenge. She brings young and ill children on the way to cure and helps their return to a normal...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À 10 kilomètres de la mer
Hege Dehli | France | 1997 | 29 mn

A country doctor in the mysterious Cotentin area, Dédé has been sharing links and feelings with his patients for 25 years.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À l'heure où les enfants dorment
Xavier Lavant | France | 2000 | 52 mn

A thorough journey inside a children emergencies hospital department. The viewer is guided in the gradual discovery of an unknown and particular dimensions where medical practice utterly differs from what we assume to know about in-patient care...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À la campagne, un médecin de 28 ans
Maurice Failevic | France | 1967 | 60 mn

Portrait d'une jeune femme, médecin de campagne, divorcée et mère d'une petite fille.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À propos de la pilule
Guy Seligmann | France | 1970 | 62 mn

Cette émission consacrée à la contraception propose, à travers des interviews de médecins spécialistes, de scientifiques, et un reportage dans un laboratoire pharmaceutique, des éléments de réponse aux questions qui se posent au sujet de...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A t-on le droit de donner la mort ?
Jean-Luc Bouvret | France | 2002 | 26 mn

The film deals with the issue of euthanasia in France thanks to a reconstruction of the debate that was held by the ethics committeee for three years and which gave rise to advice N° 63 entitled "Fin de vie, arrêt de vie, euthanasie". The...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A... comme Ayurveda
Dominique Fresne | France | 2005 | 52 mn

Kiran Vyas lives in Normandy since 25 years and has built one of the first ayurvedic centre from Europe. Ayurveda, this ancient Indian science of vital energy is a philosophy and also a five thousand years medicine. It specifies that good health...

Absolute Beginners
Fabrizio Terranova | France | 2018 | 42 mn

When Huntington’s disease occurs, it changes everything: body, soul, moods, thoughts, emotions, energy... and also relationships with beloved ones. Undergoing the test that determines if one carries the genetic mutation already means a deep...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Adieu aux anges
Laurence Serfaty | France | 2000 | 26 mn

A birth is, at first sight, a source of happiness... But it can become terribly complex if it is death that comes along, and not life. Miscarriages, medical terminations of pregnancy, still-born children : these early misfortunes generally leave...

664 films