Femmes, entièrement femmes
Philippe Baqué, Dani Kouyaté
2013 - 66 min - Couleur - France, Burkina Faso

From now on mutilated women have hope : a surgical technique of the restoration of the clitoris has been created by a French urologue. Burkina Faso is the first African country where it is practised. But because of prevalent tabous, it is still difficult for women to benefit from it.
Our documentary follows women for several years, in Burkina Faso and France, that have decided to go through with this operation. They testify openly about their combat to become women completely. During the film actors intervene within the framework of a theatrical blog. Their texts are inspired by real testimonies. An exceptional dialogue takes place between the actors and the characters in the film. Little by little stories unfold. Individual struggles become collectives ones. Will the restoration of the clitoris one day become a recognized human right ?


Distributor : Alterravia
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Alterravia, Doc Net Films
Disponible au Club du doc


2014 - Résistances, Foix (France) : Sélection