SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - In Art We Trust
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Reruns In Art We Trust

In Art We Trust
Benoît Rossel
2017 - Suisse/France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 86'

In Art We Trust is a documentary on the figure of the artist in the twenty-first century. Through the words and work of fifteen artists at different stages of their lives, the film constructs its form progressively like a game of snakes and ladders where all the protagonists question the essence of their profession. By probing the ambitions, doubts, strategies and compromises expressed by particular artists who are nonetheless emblematic of the profession as a whole, the film becomes the allegory of an atypical trade, sometimes idolized and often misunderstood.

Photography : Benoît Rossel, Blaise Harrison
Sound : Marc Von Stürler, Cyril Harrison
Editing : Gwenola Héaulme
Production : Close Up Films, Zadig Productions, RTS