SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Dwubój klasyczny (Combiné nordique)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Bogdan Dziworski Dwubój klasyczny (Combiné nordique)

Dwubój klasyczny (Combiné nordique)
Bogdan Dziworski
1978 - Pologne - Couleur - 11'

A film about the beauty of skiing and the risk connected with it. The camera accompanies the competitors presenting their breathtaking skills: with a clever antiheroic choice Bodgan Dziworski prefers not to show only the moments of success and joy but he insists to present a countless series of instants of defeat and exhaustion. The temporal structure of the film is based on repetition and variation: at the end we have the impression of an allegory about the eternal fall of mankind.

Photography : Bogdan Dziworski, Wit Dąbal, Krzysztof Ptak
Sound : Zygmunt Nowak, Jan Freda
Editing : Arkadiusz Szymański, Agnieszka Bojanowska
Production : Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych
Distribution : Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych (wfo@wfo.com.pl, +48 42 689 23 45)