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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Rediffusions Fifi Howls from Happiness

Fifi Howls from Happiness
Mitra Farahani
2013 - États-Unis - Couleur - 96'

Bahman Mohasses is an Iranian painter, who has lived in exile in Rome since 1954. When Mitra Farahani found him in his Italian hotel room, he was an old man, a lonely dandy who had created nothing for a long time. At first mistrustful, Mohasses let himself be tamed by the young filmmaker. The master then told, with all the humour and bitter wit that was so characteristic, the story of his life, the complicated relationship between his painting and his country which had forgotten him. A complicit dialogue is established, extending into a reflection on creation and the place occupied by art in a tormented history.

Photography : Mitra Farahani
Sound : Amir Hossein Ghassemi
Editing : Suzana Pedro, Yannick Kergoat
Music : Tara Kamangar
Production : Butimar Productions
Distribution : Urban Distribution International (contact@urbandistribution.fr, +33 9 50 98 46 73)