SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Journey of a Piece of Soil
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Doc route: Vietnam Journey of a Piece of Soil

Journey of a Piece of Soil ( Hanh Trinh Cua Mot Cuc Dat )
Truong Cong Tung
2015 - Vietnam - Couleur - 28'

A man dressed in camouflage fatigues tills a patch of red-clay soil amidst a green patch of land. Throughout his work, he carries a strange object on his shoulder, which from a distance seems to be an amorphous rock riddled with holes. As the camera zooms in, however, it turns out that the holes are covered with small and scurrying insects: termites. The man, however, continues to carry the nest as if it were a precious object.

Photography : Truong Cong Tung
Sound : Truong Cong Tung
Editing : Truong Cong Tung