SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Democratic Hypothesis – A Basque Story
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Tënk The Democratic Hypothesis – A Basque Story

The Democratic Hypothesis – A Basque Story
Thomas Lacoste
2020 - France - Couleur - 140'

The Democratic Hypothesis – A Basque Story offers for the first time the sensitive account of the political conclusion of the last and oldest armed conflict in Western Europe. Fighters, victims and peace negotiators plunge us into the history of a people who, in the face of the violence at work, managed to invent a new path and influence their own destiny. Basques are open to the world, and when they choose emancipation, it enlightens all the peoples and territories in struggle.

Screening followed by a debate with Thomas Lacoste (director), Caroline Guibet Lafaye (philosopher, sociologist and researcher at CNRS), Gilles Volta (editor) and Sophie Wahnich (historian, researcher in political sciences at CNRS).

Image : Eñaut Castagnet
Son : Renaud Michel, Jérémie Garat
Montage : Gilles Volta
Production : Sister Productions, La Bande Passante, Primaluce, Gastibeltza Filmak