SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Police Estate
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Viewing experiences The Police Estate

The Police Estate
Antoine Dubos
2021 - France - Couleur - 51'

A town centre at night. Police officers burst into an apartment. A man is restrained, handcuffed, and arrested. Upon leaving, the patrol finds itself in a lino-paved street bordered with fake shopfronts and a fake police station. On the test site for the French National Police, student police officers train in a cardboard town. In its staging of everyday situations, the police reveals its vision of social order.

In case of bad weather, the second screening will be cancelled.

Photography : Victor Blondel
Sound : Aurélien Lévêque
Editing : Benjamin Cataliotti Valdina
Music : Teddy Elbaz, Camille Lloret-Linares
Production : La Société des Apaches, Lyon Capitale TV, Tënk