SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Train noir
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Le Train noir

Le Train noir ( Fekete vonat )
Tamás Andor, Pál Schiffer
1970 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 38'

The harsh living conditions, family problems and long journeys suffered by labourers who work in Budapest and live in the county of Szabolcs, hundreds of kilometres away.
Pál Schiffer directed this film in 1970 as member of BBS: he discovered the Roma communities of Hungary and explored different cinematic approaches, also accompanying sociologist István Kemény in his field work. Strengthened by the collaboration of cinematographer Tamás Andor, this film is one of the first applications of a method devised to film the daily life of marginalised populations. (Federico Rossin)

Photography : Tamás Andor
Sound : Ernő Wechter
Editing : Mária Rigó
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió