SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Special screenings The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation

The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
Avi Mograbi
2021 - France/Finlande/Israël/Allemagne - Couleur - 110'

What is the meaning of military occupation? Through the testimonies of the soldiers who implemented it, Avi Mograbi provides insights on how a colonialist occupation works and the logic at work behind those practices. Using the fifty-four-year Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the director draws us a “Manual for Military Occupation”. In the presence of the director.

Image : Philippe Bellaïche, Tulik Gallon
Son : Avi Mograbi
Montage : Avi Mograbi
Production : Les Films d’Ici, 24images, Citizen Jane Productions, ARTE France