SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Short Film Series I
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Reruns Short Film Series I

Short Film Series I
Guy Sherwin
1975-2013 - Royaume-Uni - Noir & Blanc - 24'

“An interconnected set of three-minute films, in which the structure of each one becomes apparent through the process of watching.” (G.S.) “What binds these films together and gives them their enduring fascination is the deeply human connection which Sherwin makes between his formal filmmaking concerns and the subjects of his films. These films are all about relationships – between light and darkness, light and camera, camera and subject, subject and filmmaker and viewer, all at once and played out not only on the screen but also in the mysterious conjunction between the projected film and the viewer.” (Andy Ditzler)

16 mm projection

Image : Guy Sherwin
Montage : Guy Sherwin
Production : Guy Sherwin