SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Maternité
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Maternité

Maternité ( Anyaság )
Ferenc Grunwalsky
1973 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 41'

A heart-breaking film shot almost entirely in close-up: a young woman tells us the story of her exclusion and the violence she has suffered. She looks at us straight in the eyes and her features are deeply moving. How does the ostracism of a minority, the Roma, play out in a Hungarian village? The words are laconic and repetitive, yet mysterious. Grunwalsky moves beyond the limits of the sociologism of his comrades at BBS and radically rethinks story and testimony within direct cinema. The power of the face, of silence, and of the unspoken lead to a new, entirely interior, way of seeing. (F. R.)

Photography : Ferenc Grunwalsky
Sound : György Pintér
Editing : Annamária Komlóssy
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió