SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nathalie Sarraute, conversations avec Claude Régy
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Writing – Dialogues Nathalie Sarraute, conversations avec Claude Régy

Nathalie Sarraute, conversations avec Claude Régy
Claude Régy
1989 - France - Couleur - 99'

“Don’t expect from this long and fascinating interview confidences on her private life or any overly personal notations. Although Nathalie Sarraute recognizes how lonely she has always felt, misunderstood in the face of her work, although she lets her fear of death and the admission that she has never felt like a mother slip surreptitiously, the main part of her dialogue with Claude Régy concerns the painstaking task of writing; the tiny, tenuous details of existence, the unknown and multiple selves she stubbornly attempts to bring into the world.” (Fabienne Pascaud)

In partnership with Ina.

Screening introduced by Alexandre Barry and Arnaud Rykner.

Image : Jacques Bouquin
Production : FR3, Ina, La Sept