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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Doc route: Vietnam Starting Place

Starting Place
Robert Kramer
1993 - France/Royaume-Uni - Couleur - 81'

In 1969, Robert Kramer travelled to North Vietnam with a group of American pacifists and shot People’s War. In 1992, he returned to lead a film workshop in Hanoi. This film is the fruit of a reflection on the past, on the changes of our planet, of a reunion with the 1969 crew, of new encounters with Vietnamese people. What meaning can we give to the past? What is happening in the South? What values can we find within the global extension of market economy? Why nearly fifty years of uninterrupted war?

35mm proj.

Photography : Nguyen Thuoc
Sound : Olivier Schwob
Editing : Marie-Hélène Mora, Robert Kramer, Christine Benoît
Production : Les Films d’ici, La Sept, Channel Four