SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - In the Memory of a Day Gone by
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc History: The Baltic Countries In the Memory of a Day Gone by

In the Memory of a Day Gone by
Šarūnas Bartas
1990 - Lituanie - Noir & Blanc - 40'

This medium-length documentary is the film Šarūnas Bartas made at the end of his studies. It marks the link between the long tradition of Lithuanian documentary and the new path it will take. Street by street, minute by minute, it paints the portrait of a modern city, Vilnius, Lithuania's capital, from the point of view of a vagrant.

Image : Vladas Naudžius, Artūras Leita
Son : Romualdas Fedaravičius
Montage : Nina Romanovskaja, Ariadna Gruodienė
Production : Studio
Distribution : Urban distribution (arnaud@urbandistrib.com, +33 (0)1 48 70 46 55)