SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Réveillon du Nouvel An
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Réveillon du Nouvel An

Réveillon du Nouvel An ( Szilveszter )
Elemér Ragályi
1974 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 15'

Elemér Ragályi was a prolific cinematographer who was cameraman for numerous BBS colleagues starting in the seventies. In this film he shows society as a whole letting off steam during a New Year’s Eve celebration. Using an apparently impressionistic montage, images close to hallucination, an experimental soundscape and the absence of dialogue, Ragályi gives us his unsettling version of the urban symphony. The blend of joy and horror, exuberance and psychosis, makes this film at once an object highly marked by its period and a timeless work on human alienation. (F. R.)

Photography : Elemér Ragályi
Sound : János Réti
Editing : Gyula Gazdag
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió