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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Rediffusions Les Voisins

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Les Voisins
Jaco Van Dormael
1981 - Belgique - Couleur - 16'

On a request from a neighbourhood committee, the director and his crew attempt to draw the portrait of a residence in Brussels built on a narrow triangle between three streets. In this microcosm ripe for problems of cohabitation, the neighbours shout nonetheless in unanimous chorus: "Everything is OK here". But little by little, some people confide in the outside camera. An extremely complex network of friendships and hostilities is revealed, made up of what each one knows about their neighbours but especially of what each one doesn't know. Along the years, a collective imagination has created its monsters and demons.

Image : Jacques Poskin
Son : Dominique Van Malderghem
Montage : Olivier Van Malderghem
Production : Centre vidéo de Bruxelles, Comité des Habitants du Quartier Léopold (info@cvb-videp.be, +32 (0)2 221 10 50)