SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Scenes for a Revolution
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Marc Karlin Scenes for a Revolution

Scenes for a Revolution
Marc Karlin
1991 - Royaume-Uni - Couleur - 110'

Karlin returns to Nicaragua after five years to examine the history of the Sandinista government and the prospects for democracy following their defeat in the general election of 1990. The film ends with the images of Nicaraguans – captured in a succession of slow pans edited to Mahler's first symphony – asserting their needs and rights by building new homes on wasteland in the centre of Managua.

Author : Marc Karlin
Photography : Jonathan Bloom
Sound : John Anderton
Editing : Monica Henriquez
Production : Marc Karlin, Lusia Films