SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Schoon Donker
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Docmonde Schoon Donker

Schoon Donker
Katrien Feyaerts
2019 - France/Belgique - Couleur - 71'

A village, two men, a lot of pigeons and I. One of the man is a famous but silent pigeon fancier. The other man is my father. While the pigeons come and go, the two men stay there, always. As for me, I left this place one is not supposed to leave. Today, I am coming back.

In the presence of the director.

Image : Katrien Feyaerts, Jonathan Wannyn
Son : Kwinten Van Laethem, Gert Verboven
Montage : Pascal Hamant, Tom Denoyette
Musique : Marceau Boré
Production : L’Image d’après, Mountain View