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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Viewing experiences Silent Voice

Silent Voice
Reka Valerik
2020 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 51'

Khavaj, a young MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter, fled Chechnya when his brother discovered his homosexuality and promised to kill him, under the persecution of Kadyrov’s regime. In Brussels, facing the shock of exile, he is struck by mutism. The only link that he keeps with Chechnya are the vocal messages that his mother sends him. The film traces Khavaj’s first months in Belgium. Forced to live in total anonymity to escape the Chechen diaspora, he will try to build a new identity.

Photography : Arnaud Alberola
Sound : Hélène Clerc-Denizot
Editing : Jeanne Oberson
Production : Dublin Films, Need Productions, Maelstrom Studios