Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Tercets

Tercets ( Triolák )
Dóra Maurer
1981 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 11'

Dóra Maurer is one of the important conceptual artists in Hungary. She has explored the forms, proportions and serial nature of the notions of movement and change. Triolák is a powerful structural work, made up of shots of the artist’s workshop, shots which are divided into three horizontal segments, each oriented in opposite directions. Follows an ever more complex and elaborate scheme of panning movements which creates a startling feeling of perceptive disorientation, the image seeming to be pulled in different directions at the same time. (F. R.)

Photography : János Gulyás, Béla Ferenczy
Sound : Gábor Antal
Editing : Dóra Maurer
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió