SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Une tournée dans la neige
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 La Scam day Une tournée dans la neige

Une tournée dans la neige
Hélène Marini
2016 - France - Couleur - 80'

On 15 February, 2013, Pauline, a twenty-one-year-old temp letter carrier, committed suicide after doing her round for the last time in the snow. On the route traced by this round, a true image of the cycle of life, we encounter the struggles and renunciations of those who knew or might have known Pauline: striking union workers, happy or unhappy letter carriers, farmers enclaved in their territories of solitude, top management at the French postal service, convinced of their mission… A poetic and political film on our present.

Image : Nina Bernfeld, Nicolas Rideau, Mathieu Grosmaire, Hélène Marini
Son : Jean-Baptiste Fribourg, Mathieu Grosmaire, Hélène Marini
Montage : Jean-Baptiste Fribourg
Production : Zadig Productions, LCP