SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Where I Am is Here
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Ute Aurand and Margaret Tait Where I Am is Here

Where I Am is Here
Margaret Tait
1964 - Royaume-Uni - Noir & Blanc - 35'

A film poem in seven parts, based on the impressions Margaret Tait had lived when she was sent away to school in Edinburgh aged nine. Her memories of the strangeness derived from this new urban world are echoed in the film, with its melancholic, repetitive structure. “Starting with a six-line script which just noted down a kind of event to occur, and recur, my aim was to construct a film with its own logic, its own correspondences within itself, its own echoes and rhymes and comparisons, all through close exploration of the everyday, the commonplace, in the city, Edinburgh, where I stayed at the time.” (Margaret Tait)

Image : Margaret Tait
Son : Margaret Tait
Montage : Margaret Tait
Production : Ancona Films
Distribution : Lux (distribution@lux.org.uk, +44 (0)20 7503 3980)