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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Viewing experiences You Have a Day

You Have a Day
Marie Bovo
2021 - France - Couleur - 51'

The last motorcycles illuminate the butterflies in their headlights. Children nestled in the darkness watch an American series on a telephone. It is night. Farther on, butterflies migrate on the scarf of a female farm worker. In the bus that takes her to the plantation, it is already daytime. She preaches a sermon, sings hymns. And while bananas are harvested and stored, while Tottenham scores three goals against Ajax, morning and evening, the ballet of buses continues between the villages of Asutsuare and Kasunya. And, the naïve countdown of the three-eight rhyme goes on: “8 hours for work, plus 8 for play, add 8 for sleep: you have a day!”

Photography : Lucas Sevrin, Marie Bovo
Sound : Marie Bovo, Lucas Sevrin
Editing : Marie Bovo, Rémi Dumas
Production : Marie Bovo, Arena Films