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Loisirs > Sport > Cyclisme

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

108 films
À bout de course
Matthieu Febvay, Ronan Arzur | France | 2013 | 52 mn

À notre tour !
Nicolas Bergès | France | 2021 | 30 mn

Dans les Pyrénées, le village de Quillan s’apprête à recevoir le grand barnum du Tour de France. Le temps d’une arrivée d’étape, la petite cité va devenir le centre du monde... sportif ! En coulisses, les habitants s’activent pour...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À qui le Tour ?
François Sculier | France | 2003 | 52 mn

For a hundred years, men have been doing the Tour de France. For a hundred years, they have dedicated themselves to a race of speed and endurance, being acclaimed by the whole population on the roadsides. The Tour de France is a story full of...

A Sunday in Hell
Jørgen Leth | Danemark | 1976 | 111 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Albert Richter, le champion qui a dit non
Michel Viotte | France | 2005 | 52 mn

A picture on the catch line of a German newspaper in 1934 : an enthusiastic crowd surrounds the racing cyclist Albert Richter who just won the German championship in Hanover. They all do the Nazi salute. All but one: the hero of the day, the right...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Allez Richard !
Laurent Fléchaire | France | 2004 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Alsa, vélos pour le Faso
René Letzgus, Bernard Tournois | France | 2004 | 26 mn

In Burkina Faso, a bike is the most commonly used way to travel. “A bike is important for a Burkinabé; anyone who doesn’t possess one is regarded as a marginal. They usually belong to men while women are the ones that would need them the...

Olivier Hennegrave | France | 2001 | 41 mn

L’histoire du duel de légende Anquetil/Poulidor ou quand le cyclisme divisait la France gaullienne en deux. Pendant près d’une décennie, de 1961 à 1969, le duel entre les deux coureurs cyclistes Jacques Anquetil et Raymond Poulidor a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Asie en roue libre
Claire Chognot, Marc Aderghal | France | 2005 | 53 mn

"You can dream of travels to foreign lands and you can make your dream come true... ". One day, Claire and Marc made their dream come true: the two of them planned to up stakes and cross Asia on their bicycles during a whole year - from Istanbul...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Au nom de la paix, l'amour et l'amitié
Christiane Guillaume | France | 2003 | 20 mn

It’s quite an unusual and brave young lady that we met one summer morning thanks to the Internet. Poupeh, thirty years young Iranian is the first woman to do a solitary round the world trip with her bicycle. When she took the road on the 21st of...

108 films