SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Multicolored Fairies (The Path of the Paper Streamer)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc History: The Baltic Countries Multicolored Fairies (The Path of the Paper Streamer)

Multicolored Fairies (The Path of the Paper Streamer)
Peeter Simm
1981 - Estonie/URSS - Noir & Blanc - 18'

The filmmaker meets children who have been abandoned or placed in an institution, and tries to find out their experiences and their dreams. A humanistic film carried by superb cinematography.

Image : Nikolai Šarubin
Son : Henn Eller
Montage : Tiiu Karu
Production : Filmistuudio Tallinnfilm
Distribution : Archives du film d'Estonie (ivi.tomingas@ra.ee)