SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Is It Easy to Be Young?
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc History: The Baltic Countries Is It Easy to Be Young?

Is It Easy to Be Young?
Juris Podnieks
1986 - Lettonie/URSS - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 79'

By means of a sharp advertising film the authors engage a conversation with young people who have taken their first steps toward independence. The problems they face are of a new nature for society: generated not by poverty but by the wealth of possibilities offered by the same society. And at the same time these problems are compounded by the incomprehension of older people.

Auteur : Juris Podnieks, Ābrams Kɭockins, Jevgeņijs Margoļins
Image : Kalvis Zalcmanis
Son : Gunārs Netrebskis, Anrijs Krenbergs
Montage : Antra Cilinska
Production : Rīgas Kinostudija, Riga Documentary Film Studio RDFS
Distribution : Centre National du Film de Lettonie (zanda.dudina@nfc.gov.lv, +371 67358858)