Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Scam Day

Scam Day

Any Family?

The six documentary filmmakers who were selected for the Scam’s “Brouillons d’un rêve” and whose works are on the Lussas programme this year all have one theme in common: the family -Lebanese families torn by the war that took place during the summer of 2006 (Le chaos créatif: premier round by Hassan Zbib); a family from Angouleme experiencing the Dominique theorem (Noces d’or ou la Mort d’un chorégraphe by Marie-Hélène Rebois); Palestinian families separated by the wall (Le Jardin de Jad by Georgi Lazarevski); Hungarian families displaced and separated by the 1956 insurrection (Transocéan by Adriana Komivès); Senegalese families crushed by the globalization of the economy (Barcelone ou la Mort by Idrissa Guiro); and Sylvaine Dampierre and her search for her Creole family in Guadeloupe (Le Pays à l’envers).
All of these families have one thing in common: they have been torn apart.
These six documentary filmmakers progressively endeavour, through their narrative style, to recreate history as if they wanted to fit in, to join in. Children and relatives suffer when they have “no family”: this is where this group of singular and distinctive filmmakers converge, making their respective voices heard and projecting kaleidoscope images of present-day families that have been torn apart. This is the case in Le Jardin de Jad.
“Any Family?” Is the question asked by all six filmmakers. They each provide an answer: their respective documentaries. Our response, that of the Scam, is a modest one, all six of you are members of the family of auteurs.
“Brouillons d’un rêve”, the first and main investment in the cultural budget at the Scam, is proof that you are all now part of the family of auteurs. Our response is modest given the level of fragmentation, but it is proof of solidarity. Sometimes it does not take much to create a feeling of family. Financial support for a project is a gesture of solidarity and the family of auteurs in the Scam decided to work this way a long time ago at their general meetings of members. They wanted solidarity; they voted for it.
The six of you are like the group of musicians extolled in alexandrine meter by Jean Cocteau.
Welcome documentary filmmakers Rebois
Zbib, Lazarevski, Komivès, Guiro, and
Dampierre, you are not last. Welcome to one and all!
“I placed your flowers in water from the same glass”;
The glass that the Scam prepares every year at Lussas
to fill its day with flowers.

Guy Seligmann
president of the Scam

Invités : Débats en présence des réalisateurs.